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Start Shopping FAQ About Igbe Igbe Story

My paintings are about a child called Igbe. Igbe stands for International Genetics Being Eco. Igbe is color blind, he has Autism, and, he is trying to be an Artist. As he starts to paint, Igbe realizes he is using six elements his Mind, Body, Soul, Ego, Passion, Creativity. Now Igbe is no longer sleeping. He become completely awake no longer sleeping. His body converts into the elephant, and the elephant, represents wisdom, and knoledge , and difrent obsticales he will encounter in life. His soul converts into the animal, and the animal repesents humanity how we treat each other. He allways runs into the bully, but Igbe never gives up. eventualy his soul will convert into the bird called fearless freedom, he will be enlightend, in the universe, forever, as a pure Artist. What Igbe is trying to achive is to make a contrabution to humanity, intelectualy as a pure artist. Its about a little child who never gives up

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